NSCP Reducing Parental Conflict (RPC) awareness and resource training Level 3

Disagreements and arguments are a normal part of relationships. However, when conflict between carers or parents – whether together or separated becomes frequent, intense and is poorly resolved, it can have significant negative impacts on children’s mental health and long-term life chances. The aim of the training is to raise the awareness of parental conflict and its negative impact on children and families, to empower practitioners on how to identify and explore what parental conflict is and its impact on the families we support, and to recognise and have knowledge and access to the resources and support available for parents and carers to promote them improving communication and resolving disagreements more positively. This is a 2.5 hour training event offered via MS Teams.

Please note: It is a pre-requisite to the training that all attendees are requested to make an account on the Oneplusone practitioners platform. We will be exploring the content and resources further in the training. Also, if you have recently attending RPC training much of the content may be familiar but you are welcome to attend for a recap if required.

Book your place on Reducing Parental Conflict Level 3 today.


  • To raise awareness and understanding of what parental conflict is
  • To be aware of the evidence on its impact on family functioning, and outcomes for both adults and children
  • To recognise the differences between domestic abuse and parental conflict
  • To support workers in everyday practice to identify and explore conflict within families
  • To offer an understanding of resources and support available for parents / carers that can be accessed both independently or with support
  • Participants will have access to the digital OnePlusOne (OPO) resource and how to use it
  • Participants will have knowledge of the variety of tools and materials available to use when supporting families where Conflict is identified

Target audience

It is aimed at all professionals any practitioners, managers and professionals supporting parents/carers in Nottinghamshire.

Course charges

Please note as from April 1 2020 we have implemented a new revised charging policy which may affect some organisations who do not contribute financially to the Partnership, eg schools, district and borough councils, Fire and Rescue service. For more details please see our charging table on our training page of our website.

Reminder: Please be aware we have re-introduced our non-attendance charge so if you find you are no longer able to attend we do require 24 hours' notice. Please log into your account and remove yourself from the event. The charge will be £20 whilst we are still working virtually.


Colleagues from Nottinghamshire County Council Reducing Parental Conflict – Supporting Families Team.

Training Course date: Tuesday, November 5, 2024

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