NSCP Managing Allegations Workshop Level 3

All allegations of abuse of children by those adults who work with children must be taken seriously


This workshop is aimed at staff whose designated role includes the responsibility for managing any allegations against staff or volunteers. They would be the person within the organisation who would make the referral to the LADO  and would attend the managing allegations meetings. This is a 3 hour workshop , offered via MS Teams and aims to give all participants the opportunity to work through some group exercises/scenarios and to ask any questions you may have about this sensitive area of work.

Please note IT is a pre-requisite of this course that all participants have completed the NSCP e Learning  - Managing allegations and concerns in relation to adults working with children before attending the workshop so that you have a basic understanding of this process.

Book your place to attend NSCP Managing Allegations Workshop

Learning Outcomes:

  • To clarify the role and responsibilities both of the LADO and of the employer/organisation when an allegation of abuse of children by those adults who work with children has been made
  • To give participants time to consider some real scenarios and how to manage each of these effectively
  • To give participants the opportunity to ask any questions you may have about this sensitive area of work

Target Audience:

  • This workshop is only for staff whose designated role includes the responsibility for managing  allegations against staff or volunteers. They would be the person within the organisation who would make the referral to the LADO  and would attend the managing allegations meetings.

Course Charges:

Reminder: Charges may apply for this course – for more details please see our charging table on the training page of our website.  Please be aware we have reintroduced our non- attendance charge so, if you find you are no longer able to attend we do require 24 hours notice.  Please log into your account and remove yourself from the event.  The charge will be £20.00 if it is an virtual event.


Nottinghamshire Safeguarding Children Partnership Officers & Partners

Training Course date: Wednesday, November 20, 2024

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