NSCP Safeguarding Children Today Level 3
This event can be used as an opportunity to meet the requirement of refreshing inter-agency training. Applicants must have attended an Introduction to Safeguarding Children event (own agency or NSCP) or completed one of the Awareness of Child Abuse and Neglect e-learning modules.
(There is no need to apply if you have attended one of these events in the last 12 months)
Book your place to attend NSCP Safeguarding Children Today!
Learning Outcomes:
- Increase understanding of the national & local context for the safeguarding agenda
- Increase knowledge of relevant new legislation, inter agency practice guidance & revisions to the child protection procedures
- Identify sources of information, advice & training with regard to safeguarding children
- Refresh and up-date knowledge on Safeguarding issues and themes currently affecting practice in Nottinghamshire.
- To share learning identified from Rapid Reviews and Local Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews (LCSPR) (Warning: These will be recent reviews which have occurred in Nottinghamshire, so some practitioners may have been involved with them, if so you may find content upsetting).
Target Audience:
Managers and staff whose roles and responsibilities involve safeguarding children.
Course Charges:
Please note as from April 1st 2020 we have implemented a new revised charging policy which may affect some organisations who do not contribute financially to the Partnership. E.g. Schools, District & Borough Councils, Fire & Rescue service. For more details please see our charging table on our training page of our website.
Nottinghamshire Safeguarding Children Partnership Officers & Partners
Training Course date: Tuesday, June 18, 2024