External training opportunities

Local Authority training for schools and FE colleges

Please be aware that single agency training for schools is provided by Nottinghamshire County Council not NSCP. Visit the safeguarding in schools training page for more information and a list of training they provide.

Child Victims of Modern Slavery

Modern slavery training and awareness raising resources available to public sector organisations to help their staff understand modern slavery and learn to spot the signs.

Free eLearning Resource - Learning from Serious Case Reviews

This eLearning module has been developed by Virtual College in partnership with Sutton Safeguarding Children Partnership.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Recognise the importance of considering the lived experience of children and young people when at risk of harm.
  • Be able to act as an effective advocate for children or young people.
  • Be able to apply the 10 key principles identified from learning from Serious Case Review's (SCR) published on the NSPCC case review repository as relevant to your role and take action where needed.


  • Introduction – which looks at the process of SCR’s and in particular the new Rapid Reviews & Local Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews.
  • Four Sections – Level 1 (Awareness Role) up to Level 4 – (Specialist Safeguarding Role) you can choose to access all four all just choose the level appropriate to your role.
  • Levels 3 & 4 give you the opportunity to work through some real-life scenarios and therefore explore the idented key areas of learning in more depth.

To register for the free course please go to: Learning from Serious Case Reviews | Virtual College (virtual-college.co.uk) – the course is available via Virtual College’s website where learners are required to register individually for the course.

The course refers to learning identified nationally however the majority of the key principles identified often feature in our local child reviews in Nottinghamshire. Once you have completed this course if you would like to find out more about our local child reviews please go to: Learning from practice (nottinghamshire.gov.uk) and also to clarify what our local Safeguarding Children Procedures say in relation to particular themes/areas of abuse such as bruising in non-mobile babies etc please go to: Welcome to the Interagency Safeguarding Children Procedures (proceduresonline.com)

Understanding animal welfare in violent homes

The aim of this module is to raise awareness amongst professionals, whom as part of their role visit homes of children or adults in their care or under their supervision. Often issues with animal welfare should act as a prompt to investigate potential issues with the family. By understanding animal welfare needs and recognising signs of abuse and neglect in family pets, professionals could be better placed to formulate a bigger picture of domestic settings. By prompting them to investigate potential issues helps them to protect children and adults in their care, especially with over half of all households having a pet.

 “When animals are abused, people are at risk; when people are abused, animals are at risk.”

To register visit:

Animal Welfare Courses Online & Training for Violent Homes | Virtual College (virtual-college.co.uk)

FGM Home office eLearning

A free online course is available called 'Recognising and preventing FGM'. It includes an assessment and following completion a certificate can be printed off. 

It is useful for anyone who is interested in gaining an overview of FGM, particularly frontline staff in healthcare, police, border force and children’s social care.  

To register visit Recognising and Preventing FGM eLearning

Please note: even if you have accessed Virtual College e-learning courses in the past via our website, you need to register again as a new user for this course as this is a different account for the Home Office eLearning.

Forced marriage eLearning

A free online course developed by Virtual College and the Government is now available called Awareness of Forced Marriage. It takes approximately 1.5 hours to complete. This course is aimed at all professionals who have a responsibility to safeguard vulnerable children, young people and adults at risk.

The module should enable you to:

  • recognise the warning signs of forced marriage
  • take the right actions to protect the potential victim
  • cooperate effectively with other agencies.

To register visit the Safeguarding children e-academy

Prevent duty training: Learn how to support people susceptible to radicalisation

Prevent is one part of the government's overall counter-terrorism strategy, CONTEST. The aim of Prevent is to:

  • tackle the ideological causes of terrorism 
  • intervene early to support people susceptible to radicalisation 
  • enable people who have already engaged in terrorism to disengage and rehabilitate.

These government training courses are designed, and are appropriate for, staff working in sectors covered by the Prevent duty. These include education, health, local authorities, police and criminal justice agencies. Other sectors that are not covered may also complete this training. You do not have to complete all the courses. You should refer to your organisation's training requirements to determine which courses are appropriate for you.

List of courses

  1. Course 1 - Awareness course
  2. Course 2 - Referrals course
  3. Course 3 - Channel or Prevent Multi-Agency Panel (PMAP) course

Further training opportunities across Nottinghamshire

Throughout the county there are a number of partner agencies who offer inter-agency training in a variety of areas of practice which are relevant to safeguarding children.

Domestic violence

Equation offer expert training for anyone who wants to develop skills in responding to domestic abuse in their working life, including frontline professionals, community workers and volunteers.

Whatever your role, Equation can develop your skills in spotting the signs of abuse, assessing and supporting survivors, and responding to perpetrators.

A range of free courses are regularly available as well as specialist and bespoke training. Full details of latest availability is available at www.equation.org.uk

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