Latest news
Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA)
Protecting the public is the key focus of MAPPA. What can you expect if you are invited to a MAPPA meeting? Do you want to know more ?
Safer sleep for babies over the festive period
Sadly, on average 6 babies die every year in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire where unsafe sleep arrangements are thought to be the case.
Consultation on the Healthy Families Programme
Have your say on our proposals for the Healthy Families teams
Share your views on Speech Language and Communications Needs Services for children and young people
NHS Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Integrated Care Board would like to hear from parents, carers and frontline professionals who have experience of speech language and communications needs for children and young people.
Neglect toolkit and separate guidance **Revised 2023**
The neglect toolkit and separate guidance document are provided for professionals across Nottinghamshire and Nottingham City to use in partnership with families when there is concern that the needs of a child are being neglected.
Trans Gender Awareness week 13 - 19 November 2023
Each year between November 13 – 19, people and organisations around the country participate in Transgender Awareness Week to help raise the visibility about transgender people and address issues members of the community face.
Have your say on proposals for the roll out of family hubs across Nottinghamshire
Complete the online Family Hubs Consultation Survey to give your views as we develop family hub networks in Nottinghamshire and have the chance to win a £150 Love to Shop voucher.
Baby Week 14th-20th November
Nottinghamshire has joined eight other areas across the Country to celebrate Baby Week for the first time this year, from Tuesday 14th to Monday 20th November.
Letter to Education sectors re Israel-Hamas conflict from DfE Ministers
Message on the Israel Hamas conflict from the Education Secretary Gillian Keegan, the Minister for Schools Nick Gibb and the Minister for Skills, Apprenticeships and Higher Education Robert Halfon
Child Protection Conferences and Looked After Reviews
New Report Templates are now available and a new E Learning course to help you prepare for the meetings and give you guidance on completing the reports.