Partnership structure

The Nottinghamshire Safeguarding Children Partnership meets three times a year, with lead safeguarding practitioners and representatives from the safeguarding partners and all of the relevant agencies attending.  Partnership meetings provide the opportunity for emerging safeguarding issues to be identified.  Learning from case reviews and audits is disseminated and challenges to local safeguarding practice are identified.  The partnership facilitates consultation with key safeguarding leads and multi-agency problem solving to improve practice.  It also strengthens multi-agency working relationships through networking.   Expert specialist inputs addressing specific issues relevant to the area are also provided when appropriate.

Four groups support the work of the partnership:  

Strategic Leadership Group

Senior representatives from the safeguarding partners meet as a Strategic Leadership Group (SLG) four times a year.  This group is responsible for agreeing the safeguarding arrangements, setting safeguarding priorities for the area, supporting and engaging partner organisations and ensuring that local and national learning is implemented

Business Cycle

Safeguarding Assurance & Improvement Group

A Safeguarding Assurance and Improvement Group (SAIG) sits beneath the SLG and meets four times a year.  Membership of this group includes senior representatives from the safeguarding partners and relevant agencies that have key safeguarding performance responsibilities.  The Safeguarding Assurance and Improvement Group is led by the independent scrutineer and is responsible for scrutinising safeguarding effectiveness and the coordination of improvement activities.

Performance Management Framework

Practice Improvement Workstreams

Child Safeguarding Practice Review Group

This group has a core membership of senior operational managers from the safeguarding partners who are joined by representatives from the relevant agencies that have been involved in a particular case.  The group meets as required and undertakes rapid reviews and oversees child safeguarding practice reviews.  The group reports its findings to the SAIG and is responsible for disseminating learning from reviews through the Learning and Workforce Development Group.

Learning and Workforce Development Group 

This group meets six times a year and is responsible for multi-agency safeguarding children training and the provision of interagency safeguarding children procedures.  Membership of the group includes representatives from the safeguarding partners and relevant agencies.  The group agrees the training programme on behalf of the partnership based on analysis of the training needs of the workforce and findings from case reviews and audit.  A full range of e learning modules are commissioned by the group to ensure wide availability of safeguarding training. Updates to the cross-authority procedures are also managed through this group.

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