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NSCP Newsletter: September 2023

30 August 2023

Please see our latest newsletter of which we aim to publish three times a year: September, January and May.

Spread the word about #DogSafety this summer

15 August 2023

Defra, the Child Accident Prevention Trust, the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities and leading animal welfare organisations have put together a range of resources with practical #DogSafety tips that families can use in their everyday lives.

Paediatric Asthma Safeguarding Bulletin

26 July 2023

A bulletin to raise awareness of potential safeguarding concerns for children and young people with asthma has been co-developed by clinicians and colleagues from the paediatric asthma network for Nottingham and Nottinghamshire ICS and local designated doctor for safeguarding children.

New Neglect Animations

22 June 2023

Two new animations have been developed jointly by the Nottinghamshire and Nottingham City Safeguarding Children Partnerships and Small Steps Big Changes (SSBC)

Review of safeguarding practice in response to events at Harlow Academy

8 June 2023

The Nottinghamshire Safeguarding Children Partnership (NSCP) has today published the review of safeguarding practice in response to events at Harlow Academy.

LADO Online Form is now live

3 April 2023

From Monday 3 April 2023, we are introducing a LADO Online Referral Form to allow us to better manage the concerns and allegations against professionals and volunteers working with children.

Safer Sleep Week: 13-19 March 2023

7 March 2023

Safer Sleep Week is The Lullaby Trust’s national awareness campaign targeting anyone looking after a young baby.

NSCP Annual Report 2021/22

22 February 2023

The partnership has now published it’s annual report for 2021/22.

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