Latest news

Listening and Learning Week 16-23 October 2024 - booking now open

9 August 2024

To help embed Our Nottinghamshire Approach and our value of listening and learning, the Nottinghamshire County Council Children and Families Department are excited to be hosting Listening and Learning Week 2024!

NSCP Newsletter May 2024

7 May 2024

Please see our latest newsletter of which we aim to publish three times a year: September, January and May.

Safer Sleep Week March 11th-17th 2024

7 March 2024

Safer Sleep Week is The Lullaby Trust’s national awareness campaign targeting anyone looking after a young baby. Follow on social media #SaferSleepWeek

Domestic Abuse and Technology Network Event 28th March

21 February 2024

Do you work with survivors or perpetrators of domestic abuse? Do you need to know about technology and domestic abuse in your line of work?

Children’s Front Door Project

21 February 2024

Did you know we have a multi-disciplinary team who are working together to transform our Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) into a Needs Led Front Door? Read on for further information!

CyberEPQ for anyone aged 14+

15 February 2024

An Extended Project Qualification is available for anyone aged 14+ looking to work in Cyber.

Guidance for Schools and Colleges: Gender Questioning Children

24 January 2024

The Department for Education has recently published comprehensive guidance for teachers on how best to support pupils questioning their gender in schools.

Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA)

19 December 2023

Protecting the public is the key focus of MAPPA. What can you expect if you are invited to a MAPPA meeting? Do you want to know more ?

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