NSCP Volatile Substance Use Level 3

This event is delivered by Re-Solv (Solvent Abuse Charity) and aims to clarify what is volatile substance misuse and also considers the products of misuse, methods and effects e.g. gases, aerosols, laughing gas, poppers, glue etc

Book your place on Volatile Substance Use Level 3 today.


  • To increase knowledge and understanding of the current issues that VSU presents to substance misuse services.
  • To Increase competence and confidence in recognising, assessing and effectively treating this hidden form of misuse.
  • To understand the need to educate about the danger of VSU and sudden death
  • To Identify substances that may be misused and common methods of abuse
  • To discuss prevalence and reasons for use including short term effects
  • To recognise possible indications of misuse, distinguishing between occasional and chronic use
  • To discuss the importance of assessment and the need to overcome stigma

Target audience:

Staff who are involved in working directly with children, young people or adults of whom may be involved in risk taking behaviours such as substance misuse.

Course Charges:

Please note as from April 1st 2020 we have implemented a new revised charging policy which may affect some organisations who do not contribute financially to the Partnership. E.g. Schools, District & Borough Councils , Fire & Rescue service. For more details please see our charging table on our training page of our website.

Reminder:  Please be aware we have reintroduced our non- attendance charge so, if you find you are no longer able to attend we do require 24 hours notice.  Please log into your account and remove yourself from the event.  The charge will be £20.00 whilst we are still working virtually.


Staff from Re-Solv (A charity working across the UK to end volatile substance abuse and support those whose lives are affected by solvents, gases and other legal highs).

Training Course date: Wednesday, January 22, 2025

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