NSCP Safeguarding Children Today Level 3
This event can be used as an opportunity to meet the requirement of refreshing inter-agency training. Applicants must have attended an Introduction to Safeguarding Children event (own agency or NSCP) or completed one of the Awareness of Child Abuse and Neglect e-learning modules.
(There is no need to apply if you have attended one of these events in the last 12 months)
Learning Outcomes:
- Increase understanding of the national & local context for the safeguarding agenda
- Increase knowledge of relevant new legislation, inter agency practice guidance & revisions to the child protection procedures
- Identify sources of information, advice & training with regard to safeguarding children
- Refresh and up-date knowledge on Safeguarding issues and themes currently affecting practice in Nottinghamshire.
- To share learning identified from Rapid Reviews and Local Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews (LCSPR) (Warning: These will be recent reviews which have occurred in Nottinghamshire, so some practitioners may have been involved with them, if so you may find content upsetting).
Target Audience:
Managers and staff whose roles and responsibilities involve safeguarding children.
Course Charges:
Course charges maybe applicable. For more details please see our charging table on our training page of our website.
Nottinghamshire Safeguarding Children Partnership Officers & Partners
Training Course date: Wednesday, January 21, 2026