NSCP Intra-Familial Child Sexual Abuse Level 3

This one-day introductory course provides an overview of the key issues needed to support professionals who work in collaboration with other agencies in identifying and responding to intra-familial child sexual abuse. It aims to support professionals to improve your understanding of child sexual abuse within the family environment, help you to better identify signs and indicators, respond more effectively to protect children, and clarify your role as a professional when children disclose. This course is being delivered by the Centre of expertise on child sexual abuse and it is a one-day course offered via MS Teams: 9.30-4.30,  including an half an hour lunch break – you must be able to attend for the whole event. It is aimed at all professionals across health, education, social care, police any other professionals who work with children and young people who may be at risk of or experienced sexual abuse within the family environment.

Book your place on Intra-Familial Child Sexual Abuse Level 3 today.


A better understanding of:

  • the scale and nature of child sexual abuse
  • how the impact of child sexual abuse presents across the life course
  • how children communicate their experiences of sexual abuse and the professional role in helping them do this
  • how and why sexual abuse happens in families
  • the importance of multi-agency working when supporting children and families affected by child sexual abuse.


  • greater confidence in identifying and responding to concerns of intra-familial child sexual abuse.
  • improved ability to identify the potential signs and indicators of sexual abuse and sexually abusive behaviour.

Target audience:

It is aimed at all professionals across health, education, social care, within the local authority, police, voluntary sector etc who work with children and young people who may be at risk of or experienced sexual abuse within the family environment.

Course Charges:

Please note as from April 1st 2020 we have implemented a new revised charging policy which may affect some organisations who do not contribute financially to the Partnership. E.g. Schools, District & Borough Councils , Fire & Rescue service. For more details please see our charging table on our training page of our website.

Reminder:  Please be aware we have reintroduced our non- attendance charge so, if you find you are no longer able to attend we do require 24 hours notice.  Please log into your account and remove yourself from the event.  The charge will be £20.00 whilst we are still working virtually.


Expert trainers from a range of backgrounds across a multi-agency safeguarding partnership on behalf of the national Centre of Expertise on Child Sexual Abuse (Funded by the Home Office & hosted by Barnardo’s – Their focus is on supporting professionals to improve identification and response to child sexual abuse through evidence-informed resources, training, and guidance).

Training Course date: Tuesday, June 4, 2024

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