Training events
You will be aware that we are currently in the process of changing to a new Learning Management System. As such you can not access your training account to book onto our courses or to access any of our eLearning. We are sorry for any inconvenience caused and hope it will only be a few weeks whilst we do not have this facility available.
Please Note – You can still book onto all of our face to face/virtual training events which are advertised on our website by emailing , who will add your name to the course register and send you details of the event/MS Teams link the week prior to the event.
The NSCP training provision aims to deliver high quality up to date safeguarding training that will enable participants to keep safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children at the centre of their work. All our training events are multi-agency, so are attended by delegates from a variety of organisations, offering a great opportunity to meet partners and discuss safeguarding children issues and at the same time gaining an insight on how others work to safeguard children. Our aim is to complement single agency safeguarding children training.
The Annual Training Programme [PDF] is produced once at the beginning of the training year as a reference document and starting point. The full list of courses is available below and regularly updated throughout the year as new courses are added. We offer a range of learning opportunities, including face to face/virtual training courses, seminars, and e learning. For further information relating to training such as: e-Learning available, Training Charges, How to Create an Account
To book onto any of the courses below go to our course log in page.
Training courses
NSCP Working together to Safeguard Children Level 3
It is a pre-requisite of this course that you must complete NSCP Working Together to Safeguard Children - pre course eLearning . N.B. You will NOT be able to book onto this course until you have completed the pre course e Learning.
Training Course date: Monday, March 17, 2025
NSCP Reducing Parental Conflict (RPC) awareness and resource training Level 3
Disagreements and arguments are a normal part of relationships. However, when conflict between carers or parents – whether together or separated becomes frequent, intense and is poorly resolved, it can have significant negative impacts on children’s mental health and long-term life chances. The aim of the training is to raise the awareness of parental conflict and its negative impact on children and families, to empower practitioners on how to identify and explore what parental conflict is and its impact on the families we support, and to recognise and have knowledge and access to the resources and support available for parents and carers to promote them improving communication and resolving disagreements more positively.
Training Course date: Wednesday, March 19, 2025
NSCP Anti-Racist Practice Level 3
The Black Lives Matters movement over the last couple of years has really raised the profile of racial equality and encouraged discussions about anti-racist practice and allyship in wider society and in the workplace. This event aims to help practitioners have a better understanding of racism, anti-racism,and what is meant by white privilege. The event will offer the opportunity to consider intercultural communication when working with both children and families and work colleagues from different cultures or backgrounds. It will provide a relaxed, safe space to discuss issues around racism and consider how anti-racism will help with your practice. It is for any practitioners and managers who work with children & families. This event is being offered via MS Teams and is 3 hours long.
Training Course date: Tuesday, April 22, 2025
NSCP Safeguarding Children at Risk of Neglect Level 3
This full day course will help participants to develop their understanding of the impact of neglect on the lived experience of the child.
Training Course date: Wednesday, April 23, 2025
NSCP Working together to Safeguard Children Level 3
It is a pre-requisite of this course that you must complete the pre course reading and workbook. We will send this out to you once you enrol, so please ensure you allow time to complete prior to attending the event.
Training Course date: Thursday, April 24, 2025
Tackling Child Exploitation: Part 1 Prevent and Prepare Level 3
This is our new two part course which considers child sexual exploitation, child criminal exploitation and county lines. We would strongly recommend that you attend both Part 1 and Part 2 to gain a full understanding of child exploitation and how to work with and support children and young people at risk of any type of exploitation
Training Course date: Wednesday, May 7, 2025
NSCP Working together to Safeguard Children Level 3
It is a pre-requisite of this course that you must complete the pre course reading and workbook. We will send this out to you once you enrol, so please ensure you allow time to complete prior to attending the event.
Training Course date: Wednesday, May 14, 2025
Tackling Child Exploitation: Part 2 Prevent and Prepare Level 3
This is our new two part course which considers child sexual exploitation, child criminal exploitation and county lines. We would strongly recommend that you attend both Part 1 and Part 2 to gain a full understanding of child exploitation and how to work with and support children and young people at risk of any type of exploitation
Training Course date: Wednesday, May 14, 2025
NSCP Gas and Solvent Use Training
This event is delivered by Re-Solv (Gas and Solvent Use Charity) and aims to clarify what is Gas and Solvent Use and also considers the products used, methods and effects e.g. gases, aerosols, nitrous oxide, poppers, glue etc
Training Course date: Thursday, May 15, 2025
NSCP MAPPA Training Level 3
MAPPA stands for Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements. They are the set of arrangements through which the Police, Health, Probation and Prison Services work together with other duty to cooperate agencies across Nottinghamshire to manage the risks posed by those convicted of violent, sexual and terrorism offences who are living in the community, in order to protect the public.
Training Course date: Tuesday, May 20, 2025
NSCP Safeguarding Children Growing up in a Connected Word Level 3
This new short course is 2.5 hours and is available via Microsoft Teams.
It will provide practitioners with an overview of the emerging risks and threats facing children and young people as they grow up in the digital world.
Training Course date: Wednesday, May 21, 2025
NSCP Safeguarding Children Today Level 3
This event is provided virtually over 2.5 hours. Provides an essential update for managers and staff whose roles and responsibilities involve safeguarding children
Training Course date: Thursday, June 5, 2025
NSCP Harmful Sexual Behaviour 1 - Recognising and Responding to HSB Level 3
To gain a full understanding of Harmful Sexual Behaviour and its impact on children and young people we would recommend that you book onto both events.
Harmful sexual behaviour (HSB) is a term used to describe developmentally inappropriate sexual behaviour by children and young people which is harmful or abusive. HSB covers a range of behaviours which can be displayed towards younger children, peers, older children or adults.
Training Course date: Friday, June 13, 2025
NSCP Working together to Safeguard Children Level 3
It is a pre-requisite of this course that you must complete the pre course reading and workbook. We will send this out to you once you enrol, so please ensure you allow time to complete prior to attending the event.
Training Course date: Tuesday, June 17, 2025
NSCP Harmful Sexual Behaviour 2 - The Assessment Process and useful Assessment Tools Level 3
To gain a full understanding of Harmful Sexual Behaviour and its impact on children and young people we would recommend that you book onto both events.
Harmful sexual behaviour (HSB) is a term used to describe developmentally inappropriate sexual behaviour by children and young people which is harmful or abusive. HSB covers a range of behaviours which can be displayed towards younger children, peers, older children or adults.
Training Course date: Friday, June 20, 2025
NSCP Managing Allegations Workshop Level 3
All allegations of abuse of children by those adults who work with children must be taken seriously
Training Course date: Thursday, June 26, 2025
NSCP Gas and Solvent Use Training
This event is delivered by Re-Solv (Gas and Solvent Use Charity) and aims to clarify what is Gas and Solvent Use and also considers the products used, methods and effects e.g. gases, aerosols, nitrous oxide, poppers, glue etc
Training Course date: Tuesday, July 8, 2025
NSCP Reducing Parental Conflict (RPC) awareness and resource training Level 3
Disagreements and arguments are a normal part of relationships. However, when conflict between carers or parents – whether together or separated becomes frequent, intense and is poorly resolved, it can have significant negative impacts on children’s mental health and long-term life chances. The aim of the training is to raise the awareness of parental conflict and its negative impact on children and families, to empower practitioners on how to identify and explore what parental conflict is and its impact on the families we support, and to recognise and have knowledge and access to the resources and support available for parents and carers to promote them improving communication and resolving disagreements more positively.
Training Course date: Wednesday, July 9, 2025
NSCP Anti-Racist Practice Level 3
The Black Lives Matters movement over the last couple of years has really raised the profile of racial equality and encouraged discussions about anti-racist practice and allyship in wider society and in the workplace. This event aims to help practitioners have a better understanding of racism, anti-racism,and what is meant by white privilege. The event will offer the opportunity to consider intercultural communication when working with both children and families and work colleagues from different cultures or backgrounds. It will provide a relaxed, safe space to discuss issues around racism and consider how anti-racism will help with your practice. It is for any practitioners and managers who work with children & families. This event is being offered via MS Teams and is 3 hours long.
Training Course date: Thursday, July 24, 2025
NSCP Safeguarding Children Today Level 3
This event is provided virtually over 2.5 hours. Provides an essential update for managers and staff whose roles and responsibilities involve safeguarding children
Training Course date: Wednesday, September 10, 2025
NSCP Anti-Racist Practice Level 3
The Black Lives Matters movement over the last couple of years has really raised the profile of racial equality and encouraged discussions about anti-racist practice and allyship in wider society and in the workplace. This event aims to help practitioners have a better understanding of racism, anti-racism and what is meant by white privilege. The event will offer the opportunity to consider intercultural communication when working with both children and families and work colleagues from different cultures or backgrounds. It will provide a relaxed, safe space to discuss issues around racism and consider how anti-racism will help with your practice. It is for any practitioners and managers who work with children & families. This event is being offered via MS Teams and is 3 hours long.
Training Course date: Tuesday, September 23, 2025
NSCP Gas and Solvent Use Training
This event is delivered by Re-Solv (Gas and Solvent Use Charity) and aims to clarify what is Gas and Solvent Use and also considers the products used, methods and effects e.g. gases, aerosols, nitrous oxide, poppers, glue etc
Training Course date: Tuesday, October 14, 2025
NSCP Reducing Parental Conflict (RPC) awareness and resource training Level 3
Disagreements and arguments are a normal part of relationships. However, when conflict between carers or parents – whether together or separated becomes frequent, intense and is poorly resolved, it can have significant negative impacts on children’s mental health and long-term life chances. The aim of the training is to raise the awareness of parental conflict and its negative impact on children and families, to empower practitioners on how to identify and explore what parental conflict is and its impact on the families we support, and to recognise and have knowledge and access to the resources and support available for parents and carers to promote them improving communication and resolving disagreements more positively.
Training Course date: Thursday, October 16, 2025
NSCP Safeguarding Children Today Level 3
This event is provided virtually over 2.5 hours. Provides an essential update for managers and staff whose roles and responsibilities involve safeguarding children
Training Course date: Tuesday, November 25, 2025
NSCP Reducing Parental Conflict (RPC) awareness and resource training Level 3
Disagreements and arguments are a normal part of relationships. However, when conflict between carers or parents – whether together or separated becomes frequent, intense and is poorly resolved, it can have significant negative impacts on children’s mental health and long-term life chances. The aim of the training is to raise the awareness of parental conflict and its negative impact on children and families, to empower practitioners on how to identify and explore what parental conflict is and its impact on the families we support, and to recognise and have knowledge and access to the resources and support available for parents and carers to promote them improving communication and resolving disagreements more positively.
Training Course date: Tuesday, January 20, 2026
NSCP Safeguarding Children Today Level 3
This event is provided virtually over 2.5 hours. Provides an essential update for managers and staff whose roles and responsibilities involve safeguarding children
Training Course date: Wednesday, January 21, 2026
NSCP Safeguarding Children Today Level 3
Training Course date: Tuesday, March 24, 2026