Safer Sleeping for your baby in the winter months

15 November 2022

The colder months can be difficult for families, with worries about heating bills and the cost of living, such as buying food.

It can be tempting to wrap your baby up to keep them warm. However, overheating a baby increases the chances of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), commonly known as cot death. Research shows babies are better to be cooler rather than overheated, so please do bear that in mind.

Find out more from the Lullaby Trust by looking at the links below.

Follow the Lullaby Trust on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for up-to-date information about safer sleeping @LullabyTrust

If you are worried about the cost of living and paying your bills, do seek help. There is lots of information on the sites below. 

You can also speak to your midwife or health visitor who will support you.


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